Improving customer service reputation

Improving customer service reputation

In the present days of digital advancement, the online reputation of any business transacting online is vital to its survival. A company's website should concisely and effectively communicate with their target audience.  This is often the first engagement a potential customer will have with your brand.  Yes, they may have been exposed to advertisements, reviews or word of mouth opinions.  However, the process of booking tickets is quite possibly a customer's first interaction with the brand and if this isn’t a completely seamless and easily understandable process, your customer may be exposed to frustrations and negative first impressions.

Of course post booking, the actual experience of the product or service delivered is subject to scrutiny and if not up to par, in this new era of social networking, businesses must be conscious regarding their reputation as the websites and instant communication can cause a lot of damage to the reputation which inevitably affect the business.  In the past years, the reputation was built and maintained solely on the word of the mouth of their stakeholders and was more difficult to dent.  However, now consumer trust & confidence has a profound effect on the company’s bottom line.

Poor reviews, third rate experiences and negative publicity all lead to mistrust of the consumers, employees and potential customers. It is a time-consuming process to gain back the trust once it is lost and can be difficult.

Online reputation management companies are available to help minimise the implications of negative reputation impacts.  Companies, however, need to ensure ticketing platforms are delivering a frictionless booking journey and if not, the Ticknovate solution is an affordable step towards ensuring the utmost online booking satisfaction of your customers and the betterment of your product/company reputation.  In many cases it is the first impressions that count!

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